Why Team Sports are Important - Evo Sports Co

Why Team Sports are Important

Participation in regular team sports can have many physical benefits like increased fitness, better agility, and stronger bones. Beyond the physical, being part of a team can also have profound psychological effects, such as reducing loneliness and improving success in other areas of life.

Team sports have transcended beyond the domain of schoolkids and professional athletes, attracting people of all ages and abilities. In the 2022-23 Season, 80% of Australian adults participated in some form of sports activity.

Participating in team sports often leads to physical benefits and can also contribute to increased mental wellbeing, stronger connections with others, as well as improved academic, professional, and interpersonal achievements.

So, why pass up on the chance to play a team sport?

What health benefits can be gained from playing a team sport?

If you wish to improve physical fitness while promoting general wellbeing, taking part in a team sport provides multiple benefits.

Finder research reveals that 6.2 million Australians possess a gym membership, however just 50% of those members tend to visit the gym less than once each week. For optimal health and physical fitness, the general recommendation is to partake in two-and-a-half to five hours of moderated intensity physical activity every week, with some type of physical activity daily.

Adopting a team sport provides regular training and game times, which can be a source of motivation for reaching physical fitness objectives.

What are the potential physical fitness benefits of playing team sports?

Oztag is an exceptionally popular team sport amongst Australians of all ages, involving frequent running, directional shifts, and footwork that build and strengthen muscles while improving agility.

Nevertheless, most experts concur that in terms of enhancing and sustaining physical health, the most beneficial sport is one that one can achieve and also enjoy.

Enrolling in team sports can have a positive impact on mental health, potentially leading to improved psychological well-being.

Studies have indicated that playing on teams may have a positive impact on psychological well-being, with some research suggesting that team athletes may have a lower risk of anxiety and depression than those who practice solo.

By exercising, the body and brain release a variety of beneficial chemicals, but beyond the physiological effects, there are what experts refer to as 'psychosocial benefits' which are derived from being part of a team.

Team sports offer children and young adults the chance to make multiple significant connections outside their family and school. Such connections may expand their confidence, resilience, and social skills.

Gaining experience setting and striving for a shared objective, such as honing a specific technique or targeting victory in a critical game, can bolster self-assurance and benefit other aspects of life.

What are the steps to get involved in a team sport?

Players of all ages and skill levels can find opportunities to participate in team sports. Whether you've been out of the game since high school or are just getting started, there is something for everyone.

Peruse information boards at area sporting clubs, swimming pools, and community facilities to determine local offerings.

Reach out to the relevant local sporting organization to investigate participating in your chosen sport.

Inquire amongst the parents of your child's sports team about members that may already be playing, or are interested in forming an adult's team. There is likely more than one person eager to play.

Take time to return to playing sport, particularly for those who haven't engaged since their high school years. It is important to ease back into the activity, so as to not over-exert oneself.

Begin with lower intensity alternatives to strenuous sports. Replacing running clubs with walking or hiking clubs is a wise decision, and if you haven't played tag rugby in some time, there are competitions that offer a slower, more social variant.

Additionally, consulting your GP can lead to referral to an exercise physiologist and help you avoid any injury.

Check out our 20 Player Kit and get your Mates together for a game of Footy Tag anywhere, anytime!
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